Whatismyip V6

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Whether you connect to IPv6 natively through a Teredo tunnel, 6to4 or natively, having IPv6 connectivity will become a necessity in the near future. Routers assign private IPs to each device on their network, so that devices can identify and find each other. When these devices connect to the internet, their private IP addresses remain hidden, and only the public IP addresses of routers are visible.

Whatismyipv6.info this site is intended for testing your IPv6 setup! Please do not abuse! Plz donate Ethereum 0xc52c04901a3a990a452734dfbf7541be536aa412. Cisco Expo © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 1 Cisco Expo 2012 Quo vadis, Internet? SP1 Josef Ungerman, CCIE #6167. WhatIsMyIP.com® is the industry leader in providing IP address information. Moreover, we provide tools that allow users to perform an Internet Speed Test, Location Lookup, Proxy Detection, Whois Lookup, and more.

Today, I've been testing ipv6 connectivity via Verizon. And happy to reports
' It works great & it's fast '
Here's my address as show via the website whatismyipv6.com

So it seems like Verizon has their act together with regards to IPv6 and mobile MiFi support thingy.
I'm planning on borrowing a Verizon phone here in the next 2 weeks and will update you on my finding with the Andorid Phone and IPv6 access. Stay tuned.......
But the internet is still lacking with ipv6 support overall. Take these top network mfg'er outfits;

I was shocked that juniper and
Ipv6 whatismyip v6
fortigate did not show any ipv6 enabled http website :)
Good news,
We have all of the 3 major search engines covered;
What even more sadder, the http://www.sex.com website is enable

What Is My Ipv6 Addres

for ipv6 , and before common network vendors like; fortinet, juniper, force10, hp or aristanetworks.
Whatismyip V6

This is a clue as to how much they care about promoting IPv6, and general use within the internet community. Even the good informational website, wikipedia has support for ipv6.
What I thought was funny & proves the argument of how our Far East crowds has the jump over the western side of the world & with regards to ipv6 ( the whole West = ipv4 dominant vrs East = Ipv6 dominant thing )
Huawei ( a major Network Vendor from china ) , has an ipv6 support & enabled website ( no shock here )

How about checkpoint ?
Even the competition when compared to my boring day job, has a ipv6 AAAA record listed for their website, but it's not functional ( maybe the site is down )


How about Apple ?


They are sharp cool and cutting edge. So it's an good guess they have a ipv6 appearance.
But of course :)
How about the maker of windows? Not so sharp or cutting edge when compared to Apple.
No surprise here , I actually suspected this :(
How about

What Is My Ip V6.com


Time will only tell as to how the rest of the world will catch on to ipv6. And actually start supporting it.
btw, this post was published while being ipv6-only :)
Whatismyip V6

No ipv4 datagrams where harmed during the posting of my 'Nothing but ipv6 Verizon MiFI' post!
What is my ipv6
fortigate did not show any ipv6 enabled http website :)
Good news,
We have all of the 3 major search engines covered;
What even more sadder, the http://www.sex.com website is enable

What Is My Ipv6 Addres

for ipv6 , and before common network vendors like; fortinet, juniper, force10, hp or aristanetworks.

This is a clue as to how much they care about promoting IPv6, and general use within the internet community. Even the good informational website, wikipedia has support for ipv6.
What I thought was funny & proves the argument of how our Far East crowds has the jump over the western side of the world & with regards to ipv6 ( the whole West = ipv4 dominant vrs East = Ipv6 dominant thing )
Huawei ( a major Network Vendor from china ) , has an ipv6 support & enabled website ( no shock here )

How about checkpoint ?
Even the competition when compared to my boring day job, has a ipv6 AAAA record listed for their website, but it's not functional ( maybe the site is down )


How about Apple ?


They are sharp cool and cutting edge. So it's an good guess they have a ipv6 appearance.
But of course :)
How about the maker of windows? Not so sharp or cutting edge when compared to Apple.
No surprise here , I actually suspected this :(
How about

What Is My Ip V6.com


Time will only tell as to how the rest of the world will catch on to ipv6. And actually start supporting it.
btw, this post was published while being ipv6-only :)

No ipv4 datagrams where harmed during the posting of my 'Nothing but ipv6 Verizon MiFI' post!
Ken Felix
Freelance Network/Security Engineer

What Is My Ip Address Ipv4

kfelix --a--t--- socpuppets ---d--o--t--- com

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